Scientific Journals
Scientific Databases
Scientific Societies
- European Cytogeneticists Association
- Groupe Francophone de Cytogénétique Hématologique
- Société Française du Cancer
- Société Française de Génétique Humaine (SFGH) et Société Française de Génétique (SFG)
- Société Française d’Hématologie
- Institut National du Cancer
Please see the following: Call to help the Atlas 2015
Nominated for an Award! The Atlas was nominated (...but did not win) for an Award, from the American Society of Human Genetics
- Felix Mitelman, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden
- Lidia Larizza, Department Medicine, Surgery and Dentistry, University of Milan, Italy
- Peter Vandenberghe, University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
- Nadine Van Roy, Center for Medical Genetics, Ghent University Hospital - UZGent, Gent, Belgium
- Christian Herens, Department of Human Genetics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman, Liège, Belgium
- Pascaline Talmant, CHU de Nantes, France
- Marina Lafage, Université de Marseille et CHU la Timone, Marseille, France
- Chrystèle Bilhou-Nabera, Université Paris Sud et CHU Le Kremlin Bicètre, France
- Claude Viguié, CHU Cochin, Paris, France
- Nick P. Bown, National Health Service (NHS) Northern Genetics Service, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
- Katherine Martin, Department of Cytogenetics, City Hospital Campus, Nottingham University Hospitals, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, UK
- Fiona Ross, Head of Oncology, Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, UK
- Polly Talley, The Children's Hospital Sheffield Western Bank, Sheffield, UK
- John Swansbury, Clinical Cytogenetics Laboratory, The Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK
- Sally Jeffries, West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratories (WMRGL), Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
- Janet D. Rowley, University of Chicago Medical Center, Illinois, USA
- Charles Bangs, Cytogenetics, Stanford Hospital, California Siddharth, USA
- Siddharth G. Adhvaryu, Cytogenetics Laboratory, San Antonio, Texas, USA
- Oskar A. Haas, Children’s Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria
- Claudia Schoch, Labor für Leukämie-Diagnostik, München, Germany
- Jesus M. Hernandez Rivas, Citogenetica Oncologica, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Spain
- Maggie Fitchett, Oxford Medical Genetics Laboratories, Oxford, United Kingdom
- Elizabeth M. Petty, Division of Medical Genetics, Ann Arbor, Michigan Malcolm Parslow, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Victoria General Hospital, Victoria, Canada
- Adrian T. Sumner, North Berwick, United Kingdom
- Elena W. Fleischman, Russian Cancer Research Center, Moscow, Russia
- Peter D. Aplan, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
- Mariano Rocchi, Istituto di Genetica, Bari, Italy
- Roberta Vanni, Scienze Applicate ai Biosistemi, Calgari, Italy
- Nyla A. Heerema, Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University, Colombus, Ohio, USA
- Charles H.C.M. Buys, Department of Medical Genetics, Groningen, The Netherlands
- Nagendra K. Prasad, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
- Aurelia Meloni-Ehrig, Associate Editor Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute, Chantilly, USA
- Kerry Rhoden, Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italia
- Tae Sung Park, Kyung Hee University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
- Adam C. Smith, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON. Canada
- Archibald Perkins, University of Rochester, Rochester NY, USA
- Yi-Hong Zhou, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA
- Hope H. Punnett, Harvard Medical School, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, USA
- Simon Cotterill, University of Newcastle, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle, UK
- Kenneth McMilin, Alabama and Central Gulf Coast Region, American Red Cross Blood Services, USA
- Javier S. Castresana, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
- Pierre-Henri Gaillard, Institut de Biologie Structurale et Moléculaire - CNRS, Marseille, France
- Marie-Joelle Mozziconacci, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer, Marseille, France
- Robert Stern, Al Quds University, Jerusalem, Israel
- Nicole L. Chia, ACT Pathology, Canberra Hospital, Woden, Australia
- Hayyam Kiratli, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
- Anita L. Hawkins, Johns Hopkins Laboratory Baltimore, Baltimore, MD, USA
- Sven Meuth, University of Wuerzburg, Würzburg, Germany
- Shuho Semba, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
- Dongfeng Tan, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA
- Rosalyn Slater, Erasmus University, Rotterdam,The Netherlands
- Silvia Jimenez, Swiss-Prot group, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva, Switzerland
- Malcolm Parslow, Victoria General Hospital, Victoria, Canada
- Maxine Sutcliffe, Departments of Pathology and Pediatrics, All Children's Hospital/University of South Florida, St Petersburg, Florida, USA
- Lynne Abruzzo, Department of Hematopathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA
- Virginia C. Thurston, BayCare Laboratories, Tampa, Florida, USA
- Xia Li, AmeriPath Northeast, Shelton, Connecticut, USA
- Jamur Valderez Ravaglio, Laboratory of Cytogenetics, Hospital de Clinicas/UFPR, Parana, Brazil
- Manuel Avalos, Servicio de Genética Hospital Pediátrico, Corrientes, Argentina
- Jerome Loew, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Adriana Zamecnikova, Kuwait Cancer Control Center, Shuwaikh, Kuwait, Kuwait
- Mauricette Jamar, Department of Human Genetics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman, Liège, Belgium
- Marian Stevens-Kroef, UniversitairMedisch Centrum St Radboud, Dept. Human Genetics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Joan Oliva, Department of Hematology, LA Biomed, Torrance, USA
- Vito Pistoia, Laboratory of Oncology, G. Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy
- Sainan Wei, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
- Elvira DRP Velloso, HCFMUSP, Eneas de Carvalho Aguiar, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Molly Parkman, Mayo Foundation, Rochester MN, United States
- Nagesh Rao , Pathology and Lab Medicine, and Pediatrics David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA 90024
- Marianne Fertons , Centre Universitaire de Génétique, CHU - Sart Tilman, Liege, Belgium
- Jennifer J.D. Morrissette , Department of Pathology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
- Anthony Johnson , Empire Genomics, LLC, Buffalo, NY
- Christopher Williams , PerkinElmer Inc., Cambridge, MA
- Suzanne Gollin , Otolaryngology and Pathology University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and School of Medicine University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
- Anwar Iqbal , President, Cancer Cytogenomics Microarray Consortium
- Hutton Kearney , President, American Cytogenetics Conference, Fullerton Genetics Center, Asheville, NC
- Terry B. Van Fleet , MDACC
- Fléchère Fortin , Montreal Children's Hospital McGill University Health Center
- Suzanne Demczuk , Genetics Laboratory, Ellis Hall Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon SK, Canada
- Kate Williamson , Publisher, Elsevier, Philadelphia, PA
- Christine R. Bryke , Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute, Chantilly, VA, USA
- On behalf of the WHGD, Marian Stevens-Kroef , Universitair Medisch Centrum, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
- Ian Brooks , Cytogenetics Department, VCGG, Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Australia
- Nyla A. Heerema , Department of Pathology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
- Jürgen Kunz , Laborleitung Zytogenetik, IMMD Institut für Medizinische Molekular Diagnostik GmbH, Berlin, Germany
- Raheel Nawaz, National Centre for Text Mining (NaCTeM), University of Manchester, UK
- Jen-Chieh Lee, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Anonymous
- Donations with comments
A bug, on May the 23rd, 2008...
Scientific Journals
"The database provides an enormous amount of information in a user-friendly format"
"A wealth of information on these mutations can be found at the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology, a peer-reviewed site…"
"The field of cancer is vast, that of genetics gigantic. Combine the two and researchers risk data overload. (…) With contributors across Europe and the United States, Huret is collating the ever-expanding body of information on cancer-implicated genes into the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology.
It’s a huge task (…)
"It will never be complete" says the man who has a ‘Work in Progress’ road sign on his site. (…)"
Audience of the Atlas: Papers published in the Atlas are cited as such in:
- Annual Review of Biochemistry (Impact Factor 29,88),
- Science (29,75),
- Nature Reviews Cancer (29,54),
- Cancer Cell (25,29),
- Nature Cell Biology (19,53),
- Journal of the National Cancer Institute (14,07),
- American Journal of Human Genetics (12,30),
- Molecular Systems Biology (12,13),
- Genes and Development (12,08),
- Genome Research (11,34),
- Trends in Molecular Medicine (11,05),
- Blood (10,56),
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (9,43),
- Trends in Genetics (8,69),
- Leukemia (8,30),
- Cancer Res (7,54),
- Nucleic Acids Research (7,48),
- Oncogene (7,13),
- … and many others
Scientific Databases 
"I think it would be very useful feautre for COSMIC/CENSUS to link to the peer reviewed reports of cancer genes from "The Atlas Genetics and Cytogenetic in Oncology and Haematology". Personally, I find the Atlas a great resource and use it on a weekly basis."
"It has been a while (2002!) since I have been in contact with you and Philippe Dessen about the links from Swiss-Prot to your wonderful Atlas."
"Your site is quite interesting and provides useful information that we will be glad to link into from GeneCards."
"I would like to explore the possibility of collaboration with your organization on building an annotation track for UCSC Genome Browser based on your data collection.
(Currently we don't have a specific "Cancer Related Genes" track, but I am very interested in exploring the possibility of building one. Putting this track with other tracks we already have, e.g. NCI60 cell line microarray data, may help our fellow researchers to find cure to cancers sooner. I have built a prototype "Immunology Related Genes" track before while I was taking an Immunology class. So technically this is definitely possible, given someone can provide us a credible set of gene list and associated data, e.g. descriptions, links, xref to other resources, etc. I will try to contact the "Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology" group to see if they are willing to share their data to enable us to build a track like that. Fan Hsu, UCSC)"
"Greetings! You are publishing important, high-quality material on the Web. For this reason, ISI has selected your site for inclusion in Current Web Contents."
Scientific Societies 
"Your letter was discussed at the last ECA executive board session. We decided to support your database which is very helpful for medical geneticists."
(Translation) "The board of the GFCH has given a favourable judgment towards the Atlas. This internationally known web site, created by a member of the GFCH, is very useful for physicians working in the field of the genetics of malignant blood diseases."
(Translation) "The SFC is particularly interested by Atlas, because it is at the convergence of the interactive post-university education, the research and, of course, the cancer treatment […] This database on the cytogenetic of cancers comes especially in opportune moment where, as we know, many hundreds of genes are implicated in cancer and that we are, through this tool, on the eve of an emergence of a new classification for organism cancers.
Therefore, the SFC without reserve decided to support this encyclopaedia […] The remarkable work achieved by J-L Huret to maintain this website merits not only to be perpetuated but to be developed more (by mobilizing new human energies and by contributing fundamental financings, not only for maintaining it, but for developing it).
For its part, the SFC will encourage its members to be mobilized for this project."
Société Française de Génétique Humaine (SFGH) et Société Française de Génétique (SFG) - (French Society of Human Genetics and French Society of Genetics)
(Translation) "… the Société Française de Génétique and the Société Française de Génétique Humaine wish to testify their support on Mr J-L Huret's action in the maintaining of the Website. This site, entitled: Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Hematology, is of high quality, at once appreciated by physicians, biologists and researchers in cancer and haematology domains. A colossal work had been done by Mr Huret and the survival of this work tool, precious for numbers of French and European professionals, depends exclusively on him. A constant effort is necessary to integrate new information and to regularly update the documents already online. This cannot be done without financing and human supports that our two Learned Societies call without reserves of their wishes."
(Translation) "On the name of all the Sociéte Française d’Hématologie members, I wish to support strongly Dr Huret action for maintaining and developing the entitled Website: Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Hematology. It is a remarkable work, containing information of a great value. A financing support to perpetuate this work has to be set up…"
(Translation) "… Allow me first to congratulate you for the achieved work that I could note the quality when I visited your Website […] once again, I would congratulate you for the work done and I hope that you could find the means for the website development"
"I must say that I am very impressed by what I have seen. It is very well organized and structured, easy to use, and informative. I am sure that it will be extremely useful for all of us. I will be delighted to have an opportunity to contribute to this important work. "
"We also make daily use of the information that is stored in the Atlas database and it would be a great loss if this database would be discontinued. I am convinced that a lot of other Belgian and other European cytogeneticists think about it in the same way."
- Christian Herens, Department of Human Genetics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman, Liège, Belgium
"The atlas is very useful in my daily practice (onco-haematology cytogeneticists). The Atlas provides numerous informations concerning chromosome anomalies with diagnosis, prognosis , genes involved and the molecular consequences. Despite more than 3000 cases a year, we are regularly confronted to rare or never viewed anomalies. In the great majority of these cases, the atlas brings us a near complete overview of the informations we need."
"J'admire beaucoup le travail que tu as fait sur ce site, que tu as monté et défendu contre vents et marées ...."
"... la qualité du travail réalisé jusqu'à présent, qui nous rend tant de service au quotidien, et qui mérite d'être poursuivi et mener longue vie."
"...cet Atlas que je consulte très régulièrement et dont j’apprécie particulièrement la facilité d’utilisation et la qualité des fiches rédigées par nos collègues qui font référence dans les pathologies concernées."
"J'ai une grande admiration pour le travail que tu as réalisé en toute discrétion et sans la reconnaissance académique que tu mérites grandement. L'équipe et moi-même pensons à toi tous les jours car nous nous servons quotidiennement de cet outil."
"Ton travail est indispensable pour de nombreux généticiens et j'admire ton énergie et ta ténacité pour faire vivre l'Atlas."
- Katherine Martin, Department of Cytogenetics, City Hospital Campus, Nottingham University Hospitals, Hucknall Road, Nottingham, UK
- Fiona Ross, Head of Oncology, Wessex Regional Genetics Laboratory, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury, UK
"I am writing in support of the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology. This is an invaluable resource for cytogeneticists, both in daily practice and in training. One of the features that makes this a particularly effective resource is that the abnormalities come with pictures. This is extremely helpful to help decide whether something rare that has just come through the lab really is the same as other reported cases or not and is invaluable in preparing trainees for what to be on the lookout for. The collected information also saves hours of time, sorting through publications for significance of abnormalities. It would be a very great loss to the cytogenetics community worldwide to lose this resource."
"My name is Polly Talley and I am deputy of the Oncology section in the genetics department in Sheffield, England. I have received information from Prof Christine Harrison with regard to funding for the Atlas database. I am writing to support the continuation of this resource. We use this database on a regular basis, several times per week and find this a crucial and very useful starting point. I am aware that some pages are a little out of date, and would support not only the continuation, but also the updating of this site. We also use the site for training purposes and the image representation is extremely helpful, particularly for those abnormalities we do not see on a frequent basis. I hope you can use this letter of support to demonstrate the need for continuation of funding for this important resource."
- John Swansbury, Clinical Cytogenetics Laboratory, The Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, UK
"This email is to let you know that we in this laboratory find the Atlas to be very helpful. We refer to it a few times every week, particularly when we have a case with unusual cytogenetic abnormalities. It is a large collection of information and we appreciate that it must take a lot of time and effort to keep it relevant and up-to-date. Here in the UK we have two large collections of cytogenetic data. One is the huge national collection of Trials data that is managed by Christine Harrison, and which has been funded for twenty years by Leukaemia Research. The other is a large collection of unselected laboratory data held by the Cytogenetics Unit in Oxford, managed by Claire Scott, and which is known as the CAD. This had funding for a few years but it eventually came to an end. Consequently that collection is no longer maintained or updated. I mention this as an example of how important it is to get long-term secure funding for shared resources. Without these resources, each laboratory has to work in isolation without the benefit of the information gained in other laboratories, and there is a risk that clinical management of patients may be adversely affected."
- Sally Jeffries, West Midlands Regional Genetics Laboratories (WMRGL), Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK
"I have logged on to your Website and find it very useful. In the future I will undoubtedly rely on your Website rather than trying to keep up with the literature myself. Good luck on continuing this important service to the community."
"I am compelled to tell you how extraordinarily useful I find the Atlas. I refer to it regularly and find it a tremendous resource. Thanks to you and your contributors for what is clearly an enormous amount of work."
"I wanted to congratulate you on this excellent database. It helps a lot in keeping us with the developments in the field. Thank you so much for making it available on web (...). I wanted to convey my gratitudes for such an excellent resource you have provided to the Cytogenetics Community. I have been using this resource on almost daily basis."
"I just had a look at your website. A marvellous undertaking. Congratulation to the work you have already done. I think this website will become very important for cytogeneticsts working with tumors and leukemias.
(…) the website, which we all use a lot and appreciate. It is certainly one of the biggest help in our every day work. You have done a marvellous job."
"Your atlas, a reference for a lot of people involved in the cytogentics field. We greatly appreciate your work. The Atlas is a current tool in our lab."
"Your atlas, a reference for a lot of people involved in the cytogentics field. We greatly appreciate your work. The Atlas is a current tool in our lab."
"I have now managed to access your website. I am very impressed! This is just what we need, especially for the more unusual abnormalities."
"I am a familiar with the Atlas and use it a lot."
"I have just recently discovered this Atlas on the web. It is wonderful."
"Thank you for inviting me to contribute to the website (which I have to say, is easily one of the best I have visited)."
"Wish to express to you my immense gratitude for the creation of the Atlas. Your Atlas is excellent creature. It is so useful for physicians, cytogeneticists and for me personally"
"I looked at the web page for the first time today (I hadn’t known of it’s existence), and found it to be incredibly useful (and complete). I’m grateful that you have taken the time and effort to develop such a page."
"I would like to stress that your site is really wonderful."
"The Atlas is useful and easy to consult both for expert people (including pathologists), but also for students approaching genetics and cytogenetics in oncology."
"Your Atlas is wonderful. It is a very useful site."
"With admiration for and appreciation of your efforts to consolidate the Atlas."
"Many thanks for this opportunity to participate in your wonderful effort to serve the cancer community."
- Aurelia Meloni-Ehrig, Associate Editor Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute, Chantilly, VA 20151, USA
"I will definitely keep in mind the offer to contribute some articles. This is a wonderful web site and we all should contribute to it. Thanks for doing such a great job."
"I learned of the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology from a colleague, Dr. Giovanni Tallini, and find it a very interesting and useful database."
"We really want to contribute to your website. Actually we got many help from your website."
"Firstly I wanted to mention that I really enjoy your site and find it a tremendous reference."
"I'd like to complement you on this database - it is a fantastic resource that gets constant use by our hematopathology team."
- "chris"
"I just wanted to tell you that i find the atlas pages incredibly informative, and i enjoy browsing your documents on your site. i stumbled upon your site googling information about head and neck SCC, and found the following link: i just wanted to say that i think it's a great site, even for the layman to browse. i survive my father after his one year fight with head and neck cancer, and have been working on a SCC dedicated website. nothing else to this email, i just felt compeed to exclaim my appreciation for your site."
"I think the Atlas is a great resource for both basic and clinician."
"Thank you for all the information. It is a great resource."
"Congratulations on your wonderful web site."
"Your Atlas is a wonderful resource. Indeed, I think it is an essential resource and I am delighted that it is on the internet, available world wide."
"I congratulate you for the works you are doing in the Atlas. It is great for cancer researchers."
"Le site est formidable!"
- Marie-Joelle Mozziconacci, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Centre de Lutte Contre le Cancer, Marseille, France
"L'Atlas est pour moi un précieux outil de travail."
"... your magnificent and daunting effort. It is indeed a major task to organize all of this information. These are major contributions to the literature, and a great service to the medical and biological communities."
"I am an avid user of your website... Your website is a valuable asset and used by our lab and the haematologists daily."
"I thank you cordially for inviting us to contribute to your magnificent e-atlas (...). We certainly feel privileged to cooperate with you. Once again thank you so much for allowing us to contribute to the Atlas."
"Thank you for your continued work with the excellent Atlas!"
"Your Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology is a very important research tool for a number of researchers."
"Thank you for asking me to contribute to the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology. I think it a great honor to take part in such a big project."
"... your progressive and impressive journal."
"I think that your web site is an excellent idea and is a source of very useful information."
"I've always really appreciated your resource."
"I have just recently discovered this Atlas on the Web. It is wonderful and I just wanted to send an email to say how much we appreciate having such a resource freely available. My hematopathologist colleague is ecstatic about it now I have shown it to him. Thank you."
- Maxine Sutcliffe, Departments of Pathology and Pediatrics, All Children's Hospital/University of South Florida, St Petersburg, Florida, USA
"This is an excellent informative and useful first line resource. Please continue to build and expand in both leukemias and solid tumors. My work is principally pediatric tumors and there is much more to learn."
- Lynne Abruzzo, Department of Hematopathology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA
"Your website is invaluable! As a cancer cytogenticist, signing out my cases would be infinitely more difficult without it. Thank you! Best wishes."
"You are doing a wonderful job!"
"I visit this site everyday when I sign out cases. This site is extremely useful for me. I am glad to see the updated information each day."
"The team of the Laboratory of Cytogenetics from Hospital de Clinicas/UFPR, Paraná, Brazil use this site every day and we recommend it to the doctors of the hospital. For us this site is veru useful and it aid us a lot!"
"Very interesting tool to study relationship between microscopic findings and clinical aspects. Many coments are a big help to inform clinicians about cytogenetic results."
"This is the most useful resource I know for genetic abnormalities in hematologic neoplasms."
"I want to thank to Atlas for the well designed and highly professional content. I am using the Atlas for my daily work in the field of cancer genetics, and the Atlas can be very usefull to various health professionals, such as geneticists, scientists, hematologists, oncologist.,,,"
- Mauricette Jamar, Department of Human Genetics, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sart Tilman, Liège, Belgium
"An important tool for oncohemato-cytogenetics impossible to work without it !!"
- Marian Stevens-Kroef, Universitair Medisch Centrum St Radboud, Dept. Human Genetics, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
"Since many laboratories have interest in further automation of interpretation of array data, we believe that web-based access to gene-databases such as your very valuable Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics will become common practice."
"Thank you to give us the opportunity to write a paper for your prestigious journal."
"The Atlas appears to be outstanding and a very useful tool for researchers."
"This is very good resource for laboratory directors and academic researchers."
"We like very much this friendly site. I always recommend this for my students. We also publish our cases with rare translocations in hematological diseases. "
"I think this is a great website. Clearly it is a lot of work to maintain."
- Nagesh Rao, Pathology and Lab Medicine, and Pediatrics David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA 90024
" I have been a regular visitor to the ATLAS website and have also directed several residents/Fellows to visit for future reference. I would like to donate some money for the website maintenance etc."
" Le service de génétique du CHU de Liège (Belgique) souhaiterait faire un don à l'Association pour soutenir l'Atlas du Cancer."
" The cytogenetics community in the US is interested in ways to help fund maintenance of your site."
" We are sorry to learn about the financial troubles of the Atlas. It is a great resource and the community needs this. We would like to help you and the community out and have a few ideas."
" I have read with interest and concern the emails in the US about the possible closing of the Atlas of Genetics in Cancer. The value of this web site is quite evident through the volume of emails I have seen from clinicians asking others to support it. I would be happy to talk about the possible ways we could contribute."
- Suzanne Gollin, Otolaryngology and Pathology University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health and School of Medicine University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
"It is an incredibly useful resource."
" As you know we all use the atlas for providing the best patient care for cancer patients. I would greatly appreciate if (...) provide any assistance in preserving this important diagnostic tool. I will start brainstorming to explore possibilities for this important atlas which is used by the cancer cytogenetics community every day/night."
- Hutton Kearney, President, American Cytogenetics Conference, Fullerton Genetics Center, Asheville, NC
" It is frightening for us all to hear that the Atlas might “die”, as it is an invaluable resource for our community."
"As a supervisor in the MD Anderson clinical cytogenetic labs I use the journal when I write reports for our cytogeneticsts to review and sign. I would like to become a member."
" Au sein de notre laboratoire, l'Atlas est un outil indispensable et il est impensable de ne plus y avoir accès. C'est pourquoi chacun des membres de l'équipe a effectué (ou effectuera sous peu) un don personnel. Par ailleurs, nous somme en train d'organiser un don institutionnel."
" Certainement, j’aimerais bien devenir membre de l'ARMGHM, mais surtout soutenir l’Atlas, qui est un outil que j’utilise très souvent dans la rédaction de mes résultats d’analyses cytogénétiques."
" The Atlas by all accounts I’ve heard is an invaluable resource for the cytogenetics community."
" At Quest Diagnostics we refer to the Atlas on a daily basis when signing out bone marrow chromosome analyses. We do not want to lose this valuable resource."
- On behalf of the WHGD, Marian Stevens-Kroef, Universitair Medisch Centrum, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
" We certainly see the importance of the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in the field of tumorcytogenetics, and hope that this website remains available in the future."
" I work at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne Australia as part of a small team of oncology cytogeneticists. I was happy to make a donation as I use the Atlas regularly and your service would be greatly missed if it were to close due to lack of money."
" I am happy to be of help. The Atlas is invaluable."
- Jürgen Kunz, Laborleitung Zytogenetik, IMMD Institut für Medizinische Molekular Diagnostik GmbH, Berlin, Germany
" We, the BVDH, want to support your project, because the Atlas is an extreme useful tool for our members which are working in the field of tumorcytogenetics."
" My colleagues and I have recently stumbled on the Atlas Oncology website/database. We believe that it is a very useful resource for locating oncogene mentions in research articles."
"... First of all, I have to say your website is really a nicely organized treasury of knowledge..."
"It is very useful with pictures from cytogenetic aberrations, particularly on rare abnormalities. I believe you encourage collaborations, but I don´t really know, how to proceed. Perhaps having a list of chromosomal locations that you would like more pictures from would help..."
"The website gives a good overview of cytogenetic rearrangements in leukemia and lymphoma. It is however essential also to check Mitelman Database when you want to check for rare or not-listed translocations/rearrangements."
"Please continue the Atlas and update on a regular basis. It is a valuable resource not only to the Cytogenetics Laboratory (both technologists and directors) but for Pathology/Hematopathology resident education and medical genetics fellowship education".
"What would we do without this incredible resource?!?!?!? You are so special to all of us in the cytogenetics field - from lab technologist to laboratory director. THANK YOU!!!!"
"Excellent resource"
"Good source of relatively up-to-date information. It is useful to be able to access the data from different directions i.e. view by chromosome rearrangement, by genes on that chromosome or by leukamia type. A very useful research tool. Many thanks"
"The example of chromosome images for the translocations posted are very helpful."
"Very useful resource for things I only come across occasionally. Thank you."
"The Atlas is a very valuable resource, used often to assist with reporting cancer cytogenetics cases. Thank you for maintaining this excellent database."
"The Atlas is an invaluable tool for a director of a clinical cytogenetics laboratory. I understand it is a huge task, but I wish the references were a little more current."
"I rely a great deal on this web site. Please keep up the wonderful work!"
"Excellent resource. I have used it for reporting results on my patients, teaching my students and for learning as a student."
"Invaluable resource and great starting point for any literature search on relevant topics. Some pages understandably become out of date which is why I use the atlas as a starting point rather than definitive refererence".
"I am a cytogenetic technologist who uses the atlas every day. In our hospital-based clinical cytogenetics lab, the technologists who work on neoplastic specimens write reports, and we rely very heavily on the Atlas to do our job. We find the Atlas to be the most accessibly organized resource available to us on the Web, and we really appreciate the work that has gone into making this available to us! Thank you, and we hope that the Atlas continues to be updated, and made available to the general public!"
"Found the atlas by chance and am impressed, it is very useful, thank you!"
"Keep up the good work."
"I greatly appreciate the atlas and utilize it often to aid in my intepretation of abnormal cases. It is also a wonderful educational resource. Thank you very much for maintaining it!!"
"Well organized and extremely helpful material."
"The images (banding and FISH) are extremely helpful in interpreting cytogenetic aberrations in the routine lab. And so is the accompanying molecular and clinical information. It's a great website!"
"To keep Atlas open Cytogenetics Cleveland loves it!!" Miranda Dornis.
"To join the association to keep Atlas of Genetics and Oncology alive." Hana Aviv.
"To maintain this site, this site contributes a lot to Geneticists around the World." Aswani Yenamandra.
"Contribution to this great resourse." Loris McGavran.
"To keep the Atlas on going " Mary Kochera
"Donate for Atlas." MLL Münchner Leukämielabor GmbH
"Support website" Soo Cheong
"Donation to keep the Atlas" Angelica Hernandez-Jardines
"Help Atlas survive" Michele Kempik
"Donation to the Atlas" Nagesh Rao
"Support for Atlas" Berna Beverloo
A bug, on May the 23rd, 2008... 
A bug, on May the 23rd, 2008, was devastating: pages on chromosomes, with their data, had vanished; many mails were sent to us, proving that the Atlas was (is) indispensable.
Some of these mails are herein below:
De : Stephenson, Christine [mailto:----
Envoyé : samedi 24 mai 2008 00:46
Objet : new version of atlas
Dear Jean-Loup Huret
Re: Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
I was on the Atlas site today and reviewed the new format. I am very appreciative of all the additional information that has been added. It will be of much benefit to many people. However, I do have some feedback that I thought you might appreciate and be able to pass on regarding the web design and layout.
My staff uses this site frequently to find and reference information on cytogenetic changes in hematological disorders and found the previous format of clicking on a chromosome number and that bringing up a list of all the translocations and rearrangements associated with that chromosome very helpful. Now the only way to do this is to go to a specific disorder and see if that chromosome is involved. This is more time consuming and not as user friendly. Since I have had a stream of people come to my office today to comment on this I thought I would pass on the comments in order to be helpful not critical.
Thank you for your consideration of these comments and my thanks for the information that this site provides. It is an invaluable tool and a great contribution to the genetics community.
Christine F. Stephenson, Ph.D., FACMG
Laboratory Director, Cytogenetics
Genzyme Genetics, Phoenix, AZ.
De : Barbara Dupont [mailto:----
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mai 2008 23:30
Objet : chromosome aberrations
Where are the chromosome aberrations listed in the current version of the atlas? Where is all of the information on translocations etc?/ Genes are fine but …
Help! I loved this site when I was writing difficult bone marrow reports.
Barbara R DuPont, PhD, FACMG
Cytogenetics Laboratory Director
Greenwood Genetic Center
125 Gregor Mendel Circle
Greenwood, SC 29646
De : Meck, Jeanne M [mailto:----
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mai 2008 20:39
Objet : Atlas of Genetics and Oncolocy
Dear Dr. Heuret,
My colleagues and I are avid users of your extraordinary website. It is the single most important tool for cytogeneticists and I have been educating pathologists to use it as well. We noticed today that when you click on a chromosome number, that you don't get the seletion of abnormalties associated with that chromosome. Is this a temporary change? Hopefully, it is because it makes clinical correlations very much more difficult.
Again, thank you very much for this very valuable website!
Jeanne M.Meck, PhD
Technical Director, Cytogenetics Laboratory
Quest Diagnostics / Nichols Institute
14225 Newbrook Drive
Chantilly, VA 20151
Quest Diagnostics
Nichols Institute for Smart Phones
De : Eric B.Johnson [<mailto:----
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mai 2008 20:01
Objet : Website problems?
Are there problems with the Atlas website? It seems the abnormality descriptions are missing. Only the losses/amplicon section has anything in it (nothing in the leukemia, solid tumor, cancer prone diseases).
Eric J.
Eric B. Johnson
UW Cytogenetic Services
465 Henry Mall, Room 419
Madison, WI 53706
De : Dal Cin, Paola,Ph.D. [mailto:----
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mai 2008 19:10
Objet : Web side, and more
Dear dr Huret, I saw a new look for entity by chromosome in the web. . For example, clicking on chromosome 20, now there is a Leukemia and Solid Tumor folder , but click on it nothing happen. To get all aberrations reported I need to go in the entity by Theme, and after leukemia, and look for each entity. Is this normal?
Moreover, I hope to send to you the Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma review, there is something new and I want to incorporate this findings so it is truly up-date, best wishes, Paola
Paola Dal Cin, Ph.D.
Cytogenetics Laboratory
Department of Pathology
Brigham and Women's Hospital
75 Francis Street, Amory 3-154
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
De : Cowan, Janet [mailto:----
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mai 2008 18:08
Objet : Changes in web site
I went to the web site to check on rearrangements involving 2p and 22q. I couldn't find a link to any of the lovely pictures you have of recurrent translocations - have they moved? Even for chromosome 9 there is just the ideogram and titles to the right for leukaemia, solid tumors and cancer prone diseases.
Janet M. Cowan, Ph.D., FACMG
Director Cytogenetics, Tufts Medical Center
Director ABMG Training Program
Associate Professor Pediatrics, TUSM
800 Washington Street, Box 188
Boston, MA 02111
De : Meloni-Ehrig, Aurelia M [mailto:----
Envoyé : vendredi 23 mai 2008 16:31
Objet : atlas web site issue
I am a frequent user of the Atlas of chromosomes in cancer web site (<> Today, when I accessed the web site, I noted that the format is changed to the point that is not longer user friendly. When I select a chromosome number, for example chromosome 2, there is no longer a list of chromosome abnormalities relative to that chromosome. I am wondering if this is a temporary problem or if we no longer have access to the list of chromosomes abnormalities as we did previously.
I look forward to your reply.
Aurelia Meloni-Ehrig, Ph.D., D.Sc., ABMG
Scientific Director
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
14225 Newbrook Drive
Chantilly, VA 20151
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European Cytogeneticists Association
"Your letter was discussed at the last ECA executive board session. We decided to support your database which is very helpful for medical geneticists."
Lettre de soutien de l'ECA 2011
Groupe Francophone de Cytogénétique Hématologique (French Cytogenetics Society)
"Le bureau du GFCH a émis un avis très favorable pour que le dossier du Dr Jean-Loup Huret concernant l’Atlas soit soutenu.En effet, ce site international, créé par un des membres du GFCH, est d’une grande utilité pour les médecins travaillant dans le champ de la génétique des hémopathies malignes."
Société Française du Cancer
"Cet atlas a particulièrement intéressé la Société Française du Cancer car il est à la convergence de l’enseignement post-universitaire interactif, de la recherche, et bien entendu du soin cancérologique. (...)
Cette banque de données sur la cytogénétique des cancers arrive à un moment particulièrement opportun où l’on sait que plusieurs centaines de gènes sont impliqués dans le cancer et que l’on est à la veille de la naissance d’une nouvelle classification des cancers de l’organisme à travers cet outil.
C’est donc sans réserve que la Société Française du Cancer a décidé de soutenir cette encyclopédie (...)
Le remarquable travail réalisé par J.-L. Huret pour le mantien de ce site mérite d’être non seulement pérennisé mais encore développé (en mobilisant de nouvelles énergies humaines et en apportant les financements essentiels, non seulement à son maintien mais à son développement).
La S.F.C pour sa part encouragera ses membres à se mobiliser pour ce projet."
Société Française de Génétique Humaine (SFGH) et Société Française de Génétique (SFG)
" … la Société Français de Génétique (SFG) et la Société Française de Génétique Humaine (SFGH) souhaitent témoigner leurs soutiens à l’action de M. J-L. Huret dans le maintien du site web .
Ce site intitulé " Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Hematology " est de grande qualité, apprécié à la fois des médecins, des biologistes et des chercheurs dans les domaines de la cancérologie et de l’hématologie. Un travail colossal a été effectué par Mr Huret, et la survie de cet outil de travail précieux à de nombreux professionnels français et européens dépend exclusivement de lui actuellement. Un effort constant est nécessaire pour intégrer les nouvelles informations dans ces domaines et actualiser régulièrement les documents déjà mis en ligne. Ceci ne pourra se faire sans aides financières et humaines, que nos deux Sociétés Savantes appellent sans réserves de leurs vœux."
Lettre de soutien de la SFGH 2011
Société Française d’Hématologie
" Au nom de l’ensemble des membres de la Société Française d’Hématolot?gie, je souhaite apporter tout le soutien nécessaire de notre société savante à l’action du Dr Huret menée pour le maintien et le développement du site intitulé " Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Hematology ". Il s’agit d’un travail remarquable contenant des informations de grande valeur.
(...) un soutien financier pérenne de ce site doit être mis en place … "
Institut National du Cancer
" … Permettez-moi d’abord de vous féliciter du travail que vous avez réalisé, et dont j’ai pu constater la qualité en me rendant sur le site (...) en vous félicitant encore de ce que vous avez fait et en espérant que vous trouverez les moyens de votre développement. "
Association des Cytogénéticiens de Langue Française (ACLF)
"...Ce site est utilisé de façon régulière par les cytogénéticiens qui s'y réfèrent pour leur pratique quotidienne. Dans un domaine scientifique et médical où les connaissances évoluent très rapidement, l'information est à la base d'une analyse et d'une interprétation génétique de qualité, et la disparition d'un tel site (ou de son libre accès) ne serait pas sans conséquence sur l'activité des laboratoires..."
Lettre de soutien de l'ACLF 2011
Lettre de soutien financier de l'ACLF 2011
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• Nature Reviews Cancer
• Science Magazine
• Nature
Nature Reviews Cancer
Can a single web site catalogue all the genetic changes in every type of cancer? This is the ambitious aim of the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology, although its editor, Jean-Loup Huret (University Hospital, Poitiers, France), admits that the task will never be complete. The peer-reviewed atlas allows users to search through several different headings. The genes section contains concise summaries of oncogenes and tumour suppressors. Each gene has a 'card' listing its salient features, cancers in which the gene is implicated and links to other sources of information. The choice of entries belies a bias towards haematological malignancies, however, and there are some striking oversights (INK4A, ARF and MDM2 are missing, for example).
The 'leukaemias' section shuffles the cards according to chromosomal rearrangement. Here, you'll find notes on clinical features, treatment, other cytogenetic abnormalities that cluster with the rearrangement in question, the genes involved and references. There's a similar section for solid tumours, this time organized according to tumour type. Other sections include a deck of cards on cancer-prone disorders, 'deep insight' articles, which go into more detail than is possible for the standard database entries and links to related resources.
The database provides an enormous amount of information in a user-friendly format, but perhaps it would be more successful if it was less ambitious. For the cytogeneticist, it provides a useful adjunct to the Mitelman Database of Chromosome Aberrations in Cancer. The Atlas also welcomes contributions, so if your favourite gene or translocation is missing, why not let the curators know?
Cath Brooksbank
Nature Reviews Cancer 1, 179 (2001); doi:10.1038/35106056
WEB WATCH Chopping and changing
Science Magazine
Much about cancer remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: Many tumors bear specific genetic signatures, changes that apparently make cell division run amok. A wealth of information on these mutations can be found at the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology, a peer-reviewed site in France aimed at both researchers and clinicians. For each of 260 or so major genes known to be involved in cancer, visitors will find a "card" — an up-to-date summary — that describes the mutations, the altered protein that gene makes, and the type of tumor in which it's found. Links lead to more information in protein, gene, and MEDLINE databases. Other cards describe types of solid tumors and leukemias, as well as inherited diseases, such as piebaldism, that raise cancer risk.
The site's curators are also compiling several other useful resources: cancer genetics links, review papers, and teaching materials, including a primer on chromosomal abnormalities. In the site's first 4 years, 150 researchers have contributed; all the same, "we need more authors," e-mails editor Jean-Loup Huret of Poitiers University.
Volume 292, Number 5523, Issue of 08 June 2001 ©2005 by The American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Lifelines: Browsing the cancer catalogue
Researchers need maps to the vast territory of cancer genetics. © Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology The field of cancer is vast, that of genetics gigantic. Combine the two and researchers risk data overload. So online resources and databases that collate and sift information on cancer genetics are proving invaluable. Now a site that features broken chromosomes joins the fray1. Hundreds of genes are already implicated in causing cancer, which arises when normally placid cells start to multiply uncontrollably. With the sequencing of the human and mouse genomes, data on cancer-linked genes is set to rocket. "I thought that knowledge was increasing too much," says Jean Huret of University Hospital in Poitiers, France, "and someone needed to write it down."
© Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
With contributors across Europe and the United States, Huret is collating the ever-expanding body of information on cancer-implicated genes into the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology. "It's a huge task," he says. The database, which is divided into 'cards' or reviews of genes and tumour types, is aimed at cancer specialists — doctors and researchers. "It will never be complete," says the man who has a 'Work in Progress' road sign on his site. "It can be daunting," agrees James Metz of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center and editor-in-chief of Oncolink, one of the largest and oldest cancer-information websites. Containing over 70,000 online documents, Oncolink is used by patients and professionals. Says Metz: "There is a need for more and more information." Rearrangements of chromosomes — coiled up packets of DNA — are frequently associated with cancers, and are included in Huret's and others' databases. One hotspot on the eleventh of our 23 chromosomes has at least 54 reported rearrangements — all associated with the blood cancer leukaemia. And in some cancers, the type of rearrangement can affect their diagnosis and response to treatment.
© Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
"The goal is to target therapy to these specific changes," explains Ilan Kirsch, who leads part of the US National Cancer Institute's Cancer Genome Anatomy Project (CGAP). This would be preferable to the current approach of blitzing tumours with radio- or chemotherapy.
CGAP ambitiously aims to define fully the genetics that underpin different cancers, and hosts a cancer-information website for researchers. "[Databases] are the name of the game for the next few years," says Kirsch.
Helen Pearson

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