Cancer concerns one out of two men and one out of three women.
Cancer is a genetic disorder.
Pronostic and treatment depend on the genes involved.
BUT 2 000 to 9 000 genes may be involved in cancer!


  • The Atlas of genetics in cancer is an encyclopedic database made of more than 45,000 pages written by more than 3,500 experts. It is also an international journal.
  • The Atlas is an information resource for doctors, researchers, teachers and students, accessed by over 4 600 people for 5 500 visits each day, 1.1 million unique users a year.


Project title

'Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology'
internet journal / encyclopaedia / database



The Atlas is a peer reviewed internet journal / encyclopaedia / database devoted to:
- genes implicated in cancer,
- cytogenetic or clinical entities in cancer, and
- hereditary diseases which are cancer-prone conditions.
Size of the Atlas in 2015: 45,500 pages; 3,500 authors; 5,500 visits every open day; 1.1 million unique users a year (USA 27%).


Key words


- Pooling of knowledge concerning the biology of normal and cancerous cells,
- Referential and investigation tool for research,
- Multilingual pedagogical support,
- Translational health research
- Transfer of scientific innovation towards research itself, and, downstream, towards patient care.




25,000 new publications concerning cancer genetics in man are added each year in PubMed. No one, anymore, has the whole required knowledge, necessary to guide the treatment procedure in case of a rare disease. Huge database are therefore needed, to collect and summarize data on these rare diseases, and produce meta-analyses.


Objectifves of the project


- Medical treatment assistance in rare forms of cancer,
- Efficiency savings in the fight against cancer,
- Decrease in fundamental and applied research as well as medical costs.
- Personalised medicine for cancer (one of the axes of the cancer plan 2014-2018).




What is the Atlas?

Cancer Genetics, a fast developping field, merits more than 200,000 pages

Cancer, the second cause of death in the developed countries, is the first cause of untimely death. Prognosis of a leukaemia, for instance, depends on the genes involved... However, about 4,500 genes are possibly implicated in cancer! Therefore, there is a need for huge databases collecting and summarising the fast growing knowledge accumulated in cancer genetics (see, for more details: Why the Atlas?).

The Atlas is a peer-reviewed journal / encyclopaedia / internet database aimed at genes involved in cancer, cytogenetics and leukemias, solid tumours, and cancer-prone diseases. It also comprises educational items in genetics for students.

Structure of the Atlas

The Atlas is mainly made of structured review articles or "cards" (see above), but it also contains traditional overviews, a huge portal towards websites and databases devoted to cancer and/or genetics, case reports in haematology, and, as we have said, teaching items in various languages.

Cards are structured: e.g. cards on genes are made of the following paragraphs:
1- identity
3- protein
4- diseases where the gene is involved
5- external links
6- bibliography.

Deep Insights: these review articles are more traditional papers; they often deal with various themes at the outskirts of our core topic.

Portal: it comprises about 275 links:
1- general links (bibliography, general resources)
2- databases in genetics
3- resources in cancer genetics and cytogenetics
4- mapping resources
5- chromosomes maps (mouse, man)
6- functional genomic, transcriptome
7- journals.

A collective effort

The Atlas is a collective effort from researchers and clinicians to give the state of the art in cancer genetics to the medical and scientific community, to provide a cognitive tool for fundamental and clinical research. Readers of the Atlas are consultants at the hospital, researchers, university teachers, but it also reaches GP's, students in medicine, and students in sciences.

The genome project

The Atlas is part of the genome project and it participates in research on cancer epidemiology. It is at the crossroads of research, university and post-university teaching (e-learning, virtual medical university) and telemedicine, using new information and communication technologies. It contributes to meta-medicine, this mediation between the overflowing information provided by the scientific community and the individual practitioner. It helps the clinician in therapy decision. Its reputation is international.

The Atlas is free, in particular for third world countries.


  • Founded in 1993,

    the association ARMGHM - Atlas Génétique des Cancers - is a not-for-profit organization

    under French law (law 1901), whose purpose is to host the Atlas of Cancer Genetics, to facilitate its editorial process and to ensure the propagation of its contents.
  • It is necessary to sustain the Atlas. Funding is essential for the maintenance and continuous updating and development of the site.
  • Over 90% of our operating expenses between 2008 and 2015 has gone to salary support for MSc or Phd Editorial Officers in charge of finding matters of study and their appropriate authors, and processing and editing papers (see Activity Reports).



The Atlas needs money,

to continue to assist medical and scientific community




Donate (in Euros)

Donate (in US Dollars)


... and If you use the Atlas regularly,

Become a member of the Association, for 30 euros or 40 dollars only

Use Paypal to pay and become a member. Specify in the "purpose" box that the payment is for membership.

Membership from cytogenetics labs are welcome,
for 100 euros or dollars (or much more, indeed)

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