The association ARMGHM
The association ARMGHM - Atlas Génétique des Cancers - is a non-profit association (french law 1901), whose goal is to host and handle the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology (, to facilitate the editorial process and to permit the circulation of its content.
Built up in 1993 by Doctor Jean-Loup Huret, founder of the Atlas, the association has been chaired by Doctor Franck Viguié, and, later on, by Jean Loup Huret; Jesús María Hernández Rivas is now the chairman, from the 1st of January, 2020. The association has also a Scientific Board and the Atlas an Editorial Bard of more than 40 high level researchers and clnincians from various countries over the world.
Executive Board
Bureau of the Executive Board
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Jesús María Hernández Rivas (Salamanca, Spain) Professor of Hematology |
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Jean-Loup Huret (Quinçay, France) Past President of the association, Honorary Associate Professor and Consultant of the French Universities |
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Ana Eugenia Rodriguez Vicente (Salamanca, Spain) Researcher |
Members of the Executive Board
Philippe Dessen,
Jean Loup Huret,
Marina Lafage,
Philippe Misserey ,
Hossein Mossafa,
Jean-Marie Nicolas,
Jesús María Hernández Rivas,
Franck Viguié,
Ana Eugenia Rodriguez Vicente,
Lucienne Michaux, représentant la Belgian Society of Human Genetics (BeSHG), Présidente du Belgian Cytogenetics Group in Haematology and Oncology (BCGHO)
Dominique Penther, représentant l'Association des Cytogénéticiens de Langue Française (ACLF), membre du bureau du Groupe Francophone de Cytogénétique Hématologique (GFCH),
Fléchère Fortin représentant l'Association de Cytogénétique du Québec
Editorial Team
The association has employed 5 collaborators full time, each holder of a MSc or a PhD, who have managed the Atlas for years with the Editor, who acknowledge their excellent work: Mohammad Ahmad, Mélanie Arsaban, Anne Malo, Carol Moreau, Vanessa Le Berre
Official declaration in prefecture : 15-06-1993
n° Siret : 392 427 381 00018
n° Siren : 392 427 381
n° URSSAF : 860 200 231151
n° ASSEDIC : 39133439X8602
code NAF ("code APE"): 7219Z
Addresses of the ARMGHM
ARMGHM, at Dr Ana E. Rodríguez, Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Salamanca, Paseo de San Vicente, 58-182, 37007 Salamanca (Spain)
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Development of the research side
- The Atlas participates in research on cancer epidemiology.
- The Atlas is part of the genome project. It is orientated towards the genome and may serve as a portal for many applications, from probes resources to genome sequences. At a time where maturation therapies and other oncogene-targeted therapies are being developed, the Atlas and its links make sense in the bioinformatics field.
Diagnostic and therapeutic decision aid
The Atlas helps the clinician in the diagnostic and in the patient treatment process: the iconography of chromosome anomalies can be compared by the cytogeneticist with his findings in a given patient, guiding his diagnosis. Next step, the clinician with a cytogenetic diagnosis may be helped by the description of the associated disease. In any case, the clinician ignores the prognostic associated with the chromosome findings in many cases (there are more than 600 leukemias!), and the Atlas would guide his treatment decision: a bone marrow graft may kill, it should be reserved for highly aggressive leukemias, and that risk must not be taken when the leukaemia would be cured in any case. The Atlas is indispensable in particular in rare diseases (and rare diseases, because they are numerous, are frequent). We must continue to develop this part.
Informatics developments
Atlas web site becoming a true database - from old html to xml: the Atlas is supported by an ancient html system, made in 1997, at a time where Internet was a starting technology (we were one of the pioneers !). Systems have evolved, since. A modern data base will soon replace our old html.
Enhancement of the Atlas position in the scientific literature world:
We have therefore developed an 'electronic journal' version of the Atlas, comprising 2 154 articles in 87 issues from 1998 making 7 169 pages. See: .