Support committee of the
Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology
Anh Dao TRAXEL, Foster daughter of Jacques CHIRAC, President of the Etoile Européenne du Dévouement Civil et Militaire (cf.,
President of the support committee
Patricia ARNAULT, Chair of the Department Physiology and Neurosciences, University of Poitiers, Associate Professorien Neurophysiology
Marie-Christine BOLINCHES, Agent general MEDEF Vienne
Anthony BROUARD, Senior Auditor in a Public Accounting Cabinet
Philippe CHARTIER, President of the chamber of commerce and industry of Vienne, President of the supervisory board of Polyclinique of Poitiers, President of the Ligue against Cancer of Vienne
François DESANGLES, Geneticist, Val de Grâce Hospital of the Armed Forces
Bernard DROCHON, External Auditor, Expert in Law Courts
Jean Loup HURET, Associate Professor and Consultant, University and CHU of Poitiers
Martine JAMMET, President of JMFret, Vice Presidente of Polyglotta, Member of the chamber of commerce and industry of Vienne, City Councillor of Poitiers
Philippe MISSEREY, Associate Lawyer, LELOUP Law Firm
Hossein MOSSAFA, Geneticist in Onco-Hematology, CERBA Laboratory
Jean Marie NICOLAS, President of the Commercial Court of Evry
Alain TEXIER, Agent General Resarch and Technology Poitou-Charentes
Franck VIGUIE, Associate Professor and Consultant, Paris Descartes University and Haematology Department, Hôpital St Antoine, AP-HP
Françoise VILAIN, Member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, President of the Enterprises' Group
Jacques WINTREBERT, Retired; previously Founder, Consultant and Associate and Chairman of PROTOURISME, Employers Association Leader, Teatcher...

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